Message from Executive Director
Bangladesh is one of the prominent developing countries of South Asia. And we know that, healthcare is a basic human right. So, as a developing country, it is essential to ensure healthcare or health services to common people of Bangladesh. But the medical sector in Bangladesh is severely restrained by the lack of availability of qualified health workers, making access to healthcare out of reach for the vast majority. The government organizations are insufficient to produce required number of qualified health workers. To meet this ever growing demand of qualified health workers, besides government organizations, TMSS has established Nursing College along with Medical College in a vision to produce quality physicians, nurses and midwifes and thereby to ensure the necessary health care services to the deprived and underprivileged people of Bangladesh. TMSS Nursing Instititute, Dhaka (TNID) is dedicated to produce qualified Nurses and Midwifes. Nurses passed from TNID are working with dignity in various Government and private hospitals. The teachers and staffs of TNID are dedicated and working very hard to ensure the quality of education of TNID. I believe that, continuous efforts will be maintained to make TNID a world class educational institute.
Dr. Hosne-Ara Begum
(Asoka fellow, PHF & AKS)
Executive Director
TMSS Bangladesh